Thursday 29 April 2010

N Dubz's Dappy..Na Na Niiii!!

So, today I had my Law exam, not quite sure how it went, some parts were much easier to answer than others, like the PA one yesterday!! I felt like I was repeating myself over and over again, although I think it went better than PA though, anyway only time will tell...We'll see!!

Anyway, enough of exam tales, on to the Celebs story today...I heard on the radio Last night, and read in the newspaper today, that Dappy from N Dubz took the lethal drug Methadrone..Or Meaow Meaow when it was legal..because it is now banned! He went on GMTV to apologise because it came out in the newspapers and he apologised for taking it and insisted that he took it when it was legal and hasn't taken it recently..It's funny because he felt like he had to go on GMTV or something to apologise..I mean, I know he is a father and a well known and respected music artist with his band N Dubz, but you would think he would just let it blow over..Although maybe it's a good thing that he went on the TV show because he pointed out the effects of it and what it did to him and his experiences with it, which made him never want to take it again, so at least it will show that he thinks and knows it was a stupid thing to do but that he wouldnt do it again and he highlighted how dangerous it is and that it is a good thing that it was made illegal!!
So, not a funny or normal celeb story, although a controversial one so maybe that is quite normal for and in the world of celebrities these days!!
I think for another post, maybe tomorrow I am going to put the Top Ten Celebrity Quotes of the it is the end of the week, and then maybe on another post I think I will put the Funniest celebrity headline or celebrity story of the week...We'll see..It'll be something to look forward to!!
Speaking of funny headlines, not a celebrity headline but one about Gordon Brown and his latest controversy of calling a lifelong labour supporter a Bigot yesterday, then going to apologise to her.. Someone at work left behind The Sun Newspaper and I caught a glimpse of the headline they used for Gordon and Gillian..which made me laugh haha Easily Amused!! But yes, it was "She only went out for a loaf of bread and came back with BROWN TOAST" haha, The capital letters were on the headline, I didnt just add those in!! Hmm..Maybe it's not that funny but it did make me laugh..

Anyway, Until Tomorrow xx

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Saturday Night Glitz?

So, today has been pretty full on! What with a morning of going over some last minute revision for a two hour politics exam this idea how I did, I hope I did enough!! Well, we'll see! Anyway, a tiring day, especially going straight to work after the exam!! So, I came home and have been reading this weeks Heat Magazine..

The front page story is Charlotte Church allegedly saying that 'looking perfect is making me ill'..Theres also a story about Jordan and her 'Honeymoon love triangly' although I spoke about her the other day and thought the Charlotte Church story may be a little bit more interesting!!

So, reading the story about Church, what I can gather it's basically saying that her newly unveiled look, which she unveiled on Friday Night with Jonathon Ross a few months ago, saying it was all down to healthy eating and running around after two children, is under threat because she allegedly 'can't cope with all this pressure to look good' and then there is a picture of her on Saturday Night TV show 'Over the Rainbow' looking all glitzy and glamourous, against a photo of her puffing on a cigerette with the caption 'Monday Morning Drag'. .The story is filled with quotes from her friends and 'one source said..' but doesnt actually quote her..It's basically a story quoting people that she allegedly knows saying they are worried about her..that having two children, a new job, a wedding to plan for, a new look she only just unveiled and travelling between London and Cardiff every week is taking it's toll..She's 24, she's got 2 children and a wedding to plan for...Not everyone can look or be perfect all the time!! If she wants to smoke then thats her choice and she has to look glitzy and glamourous every Saturday night because that is inkeeping with the tone of the show she is a judge on!!

It's quite a funny story because it isnt spoken or quoted by her, just sources and friends..Then over the page it goes on to discuss her family feud and her family that she has or hasn't spoken to.. One minute it's about her look and that the pressure of that is taking its toll and the next, presumably the same friend and source, is discussing her family troubles!! Oh well, guess they needed the front pgae story!! Makes a change from Cheryl Cole or Jordan being on the front!!
To be honest, I think Charlotte is okay, she is a young mum of two and newly engaged and planning a wedding to the man she is in love with and wants to spend the rest of her life with, I'm sure she has problems like the rest of us but she seems happy in herself from what is seen of her on TV, so who are we or the, sources and friends, to judge?

Anyway, thats todays...There were some other good stories in Heat today, real or not, it was a good read!! I could go on about some of the other celebs in there, but I'll save that for tomorrow..Maybe next week when Heat magazine comes out I'll do a 'Top 3 stories' from the magazine that week to get more in...I'm sure there will be plenty of celebs in the news tomorrow...Unless Gordon Brown decides to slag off another loyal Labour voter!! haha...honestly!!

So, Until Tomorrow.. xx

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Beiber Fever !!

So, I have spent all of this afternoon revising Politics for tomorrow,tough but I did sit outside in the sun :) Also spending all weekend revising it as well!! My brain honestly feels like it will explode with knowledge haha and I just hope I know enough...Can only do my best!! Anyway, on to the Celebs..I did go into college this morning and was listening to the radio on the way back and heard a story which made me think...Whoah!!

Well, Teen singing sensation Justin Beiber was meant to play an outside concert in Perth, Australia but there was a massive crowd that turned out to see him, full of screaming teenage girls and they were screaming soo much after wanting to see him, that there was a stampede and at least 10 girls fainted and several needed to go to hospital with being hurt! It was pandemonium!! So, police ended up cancelling his concert for fear of another stampede!! Those girls were disappointed, although he did end up singing inside a TV studio so some of them did get to hear him!! I was surprised that this happened, although I guess some teenage girls will do anything to get a glimpse of their idol!! Especially if he's the same age as them!! It's funny with all this Justin Beiber fever because I was listening to radio 1 earlier in the week and they were talking about when he was interviewed the other week, how he said he doesn't like girls trying to impress him and he can't stand ugg boots!! Then they were talking to some girls on the phone on the radio, who love him that much, that they have thrown out their ugg boots because he doesn't like them!! The DJs on the radio thought it was hilarous!! Funny!! Even though they probably love them and will never see him to say 'hey I threw out my uggs for you' haha crazy fans!!

Anyway, its good to know that there are fans of his music out there and people that love him...although quite how far they will go to prove it and get a glimpse of him at his concerts in any country!!

"Baby, Baby, Baby, OOh now Baby,Baby,Baby" haha I wonder how many teen girls around the world listen to that song and think 'he's singing that about me!!'
Anyway, better get back to revision..wish me luck for tomorrow (!)

Until Tomorrow :)

Monday 26 April 2010

London Marathon!!

Today all the newspapers have been full of Post London Marathon stories...Whether it's The Daily Mails report that Michelle Heaton (Liberty X? No? Erm, Katie Price BFF? Big Brother 'star'?) Anyway, she was stretchered off in tears with exhaustion after completing the marathon in 5 hours, which is a great time, I'm not surprised she had to be stretchered off tho, I would have needed to be to!! I thought thats what would happen to me when i was halfway up a 3000 foot mountain in the Lakes soo hot and tired! haha!

Theres also a report on The Daily Mail site about Princess Beatrice running the marathon as well, as part of a caterpilla train in a green tutu with her friends..They were all tied toghether and they finished together, breaking a world record for the largest number of people running tied together!

The world record was broken by Emmerdales Tony Audenshaw who plays Bob Hope and he completed the marathon in 3 hours and 13 minuted dressed as a baby! Good for him!
Good for all of them, running the 26.2 miles! Not just the celebs, the ordinary public as well :) all for charity!
So many celebs ran the marathon along with the public, such a great achievement!
It's nice that the Daily Mail starts with Michelle Heaton and Princess Beatrice and then further down in the report you get pics of the public all dressed up and running included..It's good to be included!

Anyway, that's it for today..Just a massive story covered in a few paragraphs! I was watching it on TV yesterday and read the reports today so thats why I decided to blog on it today!

So, I'm off for some Law this afternoon, ready for the exam on Thurs and PA on Wednesday afternoon..Fingers Crossed all goes well!!

Until Tomorrow

Sunday 25 April 2010

Ghostly Goings on..

Katie Price with Star Psychic Sally Morgan to see if there are any ghosts living in her house!!

So, okay I forgot to post a second blog LastNight..Oops! However, I am posting now so that will make up for it :)
Right, so I was reading News of The World today, a Sunday tabloid that has some good celeb stories..not intellectually challenging but a good, easy Sunday read!
Anyway, I was flicking through it and came across a story about Katie Price..(Noo, Katie Price in a newspaper!? Shock!!) But yes, she was indeed in the newspaper..although funnily enough, considering she seems to enjoy being in all the magazines and newspapers, she wasnt in it until page 45 at the bottom and it was a story that made me laugh!

It's reported that because she has been frightened of her haunted home, which, if anyone has seen her show What Katie Did Next, they will be familiar with!, is something that she has spoken about regularly. She is convinced there is a ghost/poltergeist in her house and on her show she called in a medium to see if there was. Anyway, this story suggests that her and husband Alex are 'teaming up with telly paranormal expert Yvette Fielding to spend the night in one of Britains most haunted homes in ITV2s GhostHunting with..."
Due to all this ghostly talk Katie has allegedly put her house up for sale as she is convinced there are 2 ghosts sharing her house with her and her family! She is now looking for another house somewhere else, one that is ghost-free!
Not a massive story that was on the front page, but it did make me laugh! If it's true, if ghosts do exist then it could be quite scary..but it's a matter of opinions and what you believe in!! Each to their own!

Anyway, thats it for now..We'll see what happens with this story and what else happens in the world of celebs over the coming weeks..

Until Tomorrow

Saturday 24 April 2010

From One to Three..

Okay, So I didn't write last night as I was at work til late and my entire day was spent revising Politics..Yes, allll day! I was on a roll and didn't want to stop, only breaking for necessities ie Lunch etc!!
Anyway, so to make up for it I am going to post two blogs today, So, first of all is the story I would have written about yesterday as I heard it on the radio on the way to work!!

That is that Adrian Chiles has quit the BBC and is moving to GMTV!! He was reportedly unhappy that he found out that the rumours about Chris Evans coming in the the One Show on a Friday eve for a special entertainment special on..Twitter! Yes, that internet site again. I mentioned it earlier in the week when discussing Brian McFadden and Kerry Katona's war of words! Not the best way to find out about Chris really!!
The BBC were allegedly waiting to tell him when he got back from holiday, but as he was delayed in coming back he found out through Twitter!!
It is a shame that Adrian has decided to leave the BBC..He was a great presenter on the One Show, I know he does other things but that was the main thing I think! Him and Christine got on really well!!

Then again, he can bring that presenting to the GMTV sofa later in the year!
We'll see what happens with that one! I wonder how Chris will get on..and How Adrian will get on on ITV/GMTV!
Only time will tell!

Until Tomorrow x

Thursday 22 April 2010

Kerry V Brian..uh oh!!

So, today I was reading More magazine online as I randomly decided to have a look on there at my horoscope, which was funny as none of what was said happened today! Anyway, while I was on the website I discovered that Kerry Katona and Brian McFadden are soon to be re-united, after their twitter rampage and arguments earlier in the week..which won't be a good reunion as More has predicted!!

Kerry had accused Brian of not seeing his children with her in ages, as he is living in Australia, and he responded by saying that she was dead to him as well as calling her a 'pig-faced mole'...Now they are supposedly reuniting as Brian is coming back to see his children..
It's funny as they are both adults and have children together, who at some point in their lives will be old enough to google their parents and see what has been said about them, now not just by the newspapers and magazines, but by each other aswell!
Then again, it shows how relevant Twitter is at the moment in the world, with this only becoming a story because Brian had called Kerry a pig faced mole after she decided to accuse him of not seeing their children in ages...While Kerrys could have some element of truth in there as he does live in Oz, his is just rude and his children shouldnt have to read that there Dad has called there Mum that!!
Anyway, this isnt just on this website, it's all over the news in all the big Tabs ie The Sun and Daily Mail...All because of Twitter...Good Old internet has a lot to answer for!!

So, yep, there is the story for today...Not an amazing front page story but one I came across and had to mention..especially as we had a lecture this morning where we discussed the internet, Twitter and the Digital Age!
Anyway, Until Tomorrow when I will have another good story to comment on and discuss :)

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Front Page of Heat Magazine!!

So, yesterday I went out and got Heat magazine as, like I said yesterday, I read it every week haha, plus I fels like a break from revision etc!!
Anyway, the front page story said BREAKING POINT! With 3 of Girls Aloud..Nicola, Nadine and Cheryl...allegedly saying theyre not speaking and Nadine revealing how 'two-faced Nicola is tearing us apart!'..Well, not sure how much I believe of this story because the girls of Girls Aloud always seemed to be really good friends and get on well..It would be a shame if they break up as a group because they are so successful but then again, there are other new girl groups that are up and coming into the limelight such as The Saturdays! They are a great group though but I guess they are all being successful in their own rights!

I mean, Cheryl has gone completely into girl next door, A list Celeb, Solo Singer, best judge on X Factor, 2 time winner in a row, ex-wife of Ashley Cole etc...Maybe the others are just jealous of her!! Although Sarah, who isnt on the front page or really in the story, has become a good actress..ON St Trinians! Plus, Nicola has become a good role model for pale, ginger girls and made her own make-up range and backed Heats Campaign for no tanning etc..Nadine is the only one who isn't really in the limelight as much, going across the pond and being an all American girl..

She's trying to make it as a solo singer in her own right..I'd like to think she would succeed as she does have a really good voice! As she proved on the Boyzone tribute thing for Stephen Gately earlier this year, (Yes, I watched that!! Soo moving it was too!) Anyway, I hope the girls don't fall out and split up as it would be a shame, although all this so-called bitching and arguing isn't going to help them!!
The whole story is basically accusing Nicola of being the ring leader and being the one that is keeping them all not talking and making them all argue!! They suggest that Nadine is the loose cannon and stopping them from getting back together, although I think their individual problems and personal achievements are doing that all on their own!!

I'd like to think that they are going to get back together again at some point, as all good bands take a break and then get back bigger and better than ever, I mean, just look at Take That and Boyzone!!

Anyway, thats another diverse story, I mean Suri Cruise yesterday and Girls Aloud arguments today! I'd like to think that I'm bringing u a big variety of stories each day!! There may be no real link between all the celebs individually, but there is one thing that links them together..The Celebrity World!

Anyway, better get back to revision..Oh the joys!!
Until Tomorrow

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Suri Cruise..

From Heat magazine...Yes, I read Heat magazine...I'm calling it research for this assignment of writing a blog on Celeb stories each day! Haha, or just escapism and anything to get out of reading any more about Politics and Law AGH for these exams, which I think are going to go so well (!) Anyway, only time will tell on those..But yes, so back to todays Celeb story...

I was reading Heat, like I said, and one story I came across was that apparently Suri Cruise (the daughter of mini film star Tom and actress Katie Holmes, or TomKat as theyre known in the celeb circle, like Brangelina etc!) still..wait for it..uses a bottle! Because it is soo worth the column inches!!
This little four-year-old is one of the most photographed and well known children on the planet! Regularly pictured and 'papped' for the magazines and newspapers..She is always written about...If it isn't because she is wearing make up and heels, it's because she's wearing piggy slippers and now drinking from a babies bottle...Two of thesethings make her seem older and grown up and cause people to worry she is growing up to fast and critisize her parents, the other two cause people to worry she is still being a baby and drinking from a bottle is something which stops after a child is one..It's funny as it seems she can't do right for doing wrong! Her drinking from a bottle only shows people exactly how old she really is..She's not old enough for make up and heels unless it's just for dressing up, she is old enough to be four and be allowed to act and look like a child!!

She is going to be in the papers and magazines for soo many years, being such a high profile child and having high profile parents, not sure how much of a good thing that is but only time will tell...

Out of interest of what other people think, I typed this story into google and found that on, this story was on there too..although not the same pic as Heat and clearly farely older than the one I read, although with the same issue..
One part of it says "While everyone seems to agree that she is one of the cutest kids in Tinseltown, a debate rages on about whether or not she should still be drinking from a bottle".

'A debate rages on'..I'm sure it's up to her parents..I'm sure if u saw four year old non celebrity children drinking from a bottle, whereas there can be some debates over it, it's up to the parents! I think Suri should be allowed to be a child and I know its difficult not to write about her as she is the daughter of 2 high profile celebs, she should be allowed to get on with being four and not have her pic in the mags and papers as she probably doesnt understand what its all about! Then again, if they wanted to, Im sure TomKat could get them to blur her face and ensure she isnt in the mags anymore..but maybe it's a little late for that!!
Anyway, thats enough about that ..three posts in 3 days on 3 very different topics..How interesting..I will try to have a whole range of different stories each day for you as they say variety is the spice of life, plus, too much of the same thing can be boring!
Right. Thats it for today..I'm off for a walk in the sunshine with some friends before I spend tomorrow on my laptop for the day completing my law assignment and doing some more work on my case study and magazine features, as well as more revision :D GoodTimes I'm sure!!
Until Tomorrow x

Monday 19 April 2010


I'm sure you have all heard about the Volcano that erupted in Iceland last Thursday and has completely closed the UK airspace which has caused SO many people to be left stranded abroad for longer than they had planned...

Including, says Heat magazine, a whole host of celebs including, Katie Price, Adam Lambert, Joe McElderry, Chris Moyles and Peter Jones..Stuck abroad and not being able to come back to premieres, parties and signings...Bet they are Seriously gutted!! Almost as seriously gutted as all the other, 'regular folk', says Heat, who are stuck for ways home and whether their plane will set off, as well as missing their loved ones and jobs, school, college...

Loving the way Heat says the Celebs are stranded like we are supposed to feel sorry for them and feel as though they are just like the regular folk!! Im sure they are so sad to be stuck in the million pound holiday homes and in the mega sun and heat of Barbados or Egypt haha.. Never mind, I'm sure all will hopefully be okey by the end of the week..Well, I'm hoping that too..Not because I miss the celebs though, because I miss my family who are stuck in Spain wanting to get home, plus I'm sure others miss theirs too!! I know, I know celebs have families and jobs but they are no more important than others...

Not a conventional Celeb story for today but one that is really newsworthy and relevant at the moment!!

Anyway, until tomorrow..Im going to get back to watching Glee, Yes, I'm a Gleek and I must admit Im not sorry!! Xx

Saturday 17 April 2010

Pricey (or Reidy!!) Makes Front Page ..

So, I forgot to post Last Night as I was busy sorting another flight out for my family who are stuck in Spain for an extra week longer than they wanted to be :( So theyre missing more school and work than they should! Am Missing Them!

Anyway, to take my mind off all that and everything else, I read New Magazine, bit of escapism! Its a few days old but like I said before, I was away for a week before so haven't had any chance to read them!

The front page story is all about Katie Price (Jordan) and Alex Reid, which isn't much of a surprise to be honest seeing as they are always in the tabloids!! Anyway, apparenetly Katie (Jordan) went, and I quote, 'beserk at Alex' because he was 'cryptic on This Morning' about whether or not she was pregnant, he apparenly called her son Harvey the 'Incredible Hulk' and he didnt rescue her in a 'Street bust up'.

Well, this magazine has never really seemed to like Katie much, it might have a little to do with the fact that Peter Andre is a columnist for them and they love oh so very much!! Although, im not too much of a fan of hers (Team Pete!!) and take every story in the newspaper about her with a pinch of salt..She's never far away from the front page of the tabloids or online forums..

How funny that my first celeb story is about one of the most well known people of this time, someone who will do anything to ensure she gets some column inches..she is funny though especially as she has said that she wants to keep some things private this time around with Alex, unlike her very public marriage with Peter. Private. The last word that can describe Katie, who said on This Morning that she definitely wasn't pregnant as she was on her period. Something Im sure so many people wanted to know!! Hmm, We'll see how private her relationship is!

Anyway. This story. Its a good front page lead for New Mag! Sure to sell a few copies to the Katie haters out there! But not sure if I can believe it all or not..Her and Alex do seem to be in love. Real or for the camera? Who knows. She wants to keep her relationship 'private' this time, remember!!

Anyway, Until Tomorrow. I'll have another story and another insight in to celebrities and the world of gossip and scandal...

Thursday 15 April 2010

The very First Post!!

Okay, so as part of my course I need to complete a 28 day blog...I have started it a little later than the others as I have just come back from a week in the Lake District with two of my best friends..It was amazing, the weather was great, we were so lucky! I even ended up sunburnt haha typical!! We climbed a 3210 foot mountain, Scar Fells Pike Mountain, which was incredible..think I nearly died halfway up though Lol but got to the top nonetheless..The views were just amazing!!
Anyway, this isnt what my blog is about, Just thought I'd tell you about my holiday!

I thought I'd start my first post my explaining what I'm going to be doing over these 28 days..


I will be delving into the world of celebrity and writing all about the gossip of their world, any celeb story that sounds funny or interesting I'm going to write about and discuss where I found it and what I, as well as other people, think about it! I will try and keep it going continuously for 28 days, I'll try not to forget! I'm sure I will keep it going :D

Right, So thats what my blog is going to be about...Sound good? Well, we'll see!! I will start it properly tomorrow...

Have a good day and enjoy the sun if it is sunny where u are!

Until Tomorrow Xxx