Wednesday 28 April 2010

Saturday Night Glitz?

So, today has been pretty full on! What with a morning of going over some last minute revision for a two hour politics exam this idea how I did, I hope I did enough!! Well, we'll see! Anyway, a tiring day, especially going straight to work after the exam!! So, I came home and have been reading this weeks Heat Magazine..

The front page story is Charlotte Church allegedly saying that 'looking perfect is making me ill'..Theres also a story about Jordan and her 'Honeymoon love triangly' although I spoke about her the other day and thought the Charlotte Church story may be a little bit more interesting!!

So, reading the story about Church, what I can gather it's basically saying that her newly unveiled look, which she unveiled on Friday Night with Jonathon Ross a few months ago, saying it was all down to healthy eating and running around after two children, is under threat because she allegedly 'can't cope with all this pressure to look good' and then there is a picture of her on Saturday Night TV show 'Over the Rainbow' looking all glitzy and glamourous, against a photo of her puffing on a cigerette with the caption 'Monday Morning Drag'. .The story is filled with quotes from her friends and 'one source said..' but doesnt actually quote her..It's basically a story quoting people that she allegedly knows saying they are worried about her..that having two children, a new job, a wedding to plan for, a new look she only just unveiled and travelling between London and Cardiff every week is taking it's toll..She's 24, she's got 2 children and a wedding to plan for...Not everyone can look or be perfect all the time!! If she wants to smoke then thats her choice and she has to look glitzy and glamourous every Saturday night because that is inkeeping with the tone of the show she is a judge on!!

It's quite a funny story because it isnt spoken or quoted by her, just sources and friends..Then over the page it goes on to discuss her family feud and her family that she has or hasn't spoken to.. One minute it's about her look and that the pressure of that is taking its toll and the next, presumably the same friend and source, is discussing her family troubles!! Oh well, guess they needed the front pgae story!! Makes a change from Cheryl Cole or Jordan being on the front!!
To be honest, I think Charlotte is okay, she is a young mum of two and newly engaged and planning a wedding to the man she is in love with and wants to spend the rest of her life with, I'm sure she has problems like the rest of us but she seems happy in herself from what is seen of her on TV, so who are we or the, sources and friends, to judge?

Anyway, thats todays...There were some other good stories in Heat today, real or not, it was a good read!! I could go on about some of the other celebs in there, but I'll save that for tomorrow..Maybe next week when Heat magazine comes out I'll do a 'Top 3 stories' from the magazine that week to get more in...I'm sure there will be plenty of celebs in the news tomorrow...Unless Gordon Brown decides to slag off another loyal Labour voter!! haha...honestly!!

So, Until Tomorrow.. xx

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