Thursday 29 April 2010

N Dubz's Dappy..Na Na Niiii!!

So, today I had my Law exam, not quite sure how it went, some parts were much easier to answer than others, like the PA one yesterday!! I felt like I was repeating myself over and over again, although I think it went better than PA though, anyway only time will tell...We'll see!!

Anyway, enough of exam tales, on to the Celebs story today...I heard on the radio Last night, and read in the newspaper today, that Dappy from N Dubz took the lethal drug Methadrone..Or Meaow Meaow when it was legal..because it is now banned! He went on GMTV to apologise because it came out in the newspapers and he apologised for taking it and insisted that he took it when it was legal and hasn't taken it recently..It's funny because he felt like he had to go on GMTV or something to apologise..I mean, I know he is a father and a well known and respected music artist with his band N Dubz, but you would think he would just let it blow over..Although maybe it's a good thing that he went on the TV show because he pointed out the effects of it and what it did to him and his experiences with it, which made him never want to take it again, so at least it will show that he thinks and knows it was a stupid thing to do but that he wouldnt do it again and he highlighted how dangerous it is and that it is a good thing that it was made illegal!!
So, not a funny or normal celeb story, although a controversial one so maybe that is quite normal for and in the world of celebrities these days!!
I think for another post, maybe tomorrow I am going to put the Top Ten Celebrity Quotes of the it is the end of the week, and then maybe on another post I think I will put the Funniest celebrity headline or celebrity story of the week...We'll see..It'll be something to look forward to!!
Speaking of funny headlines, not a celebrity headline but one about Gordon Brown and his latest controversy of calling a lifelong labour supporter a Bigot yesterday, then going to apologise to her.. Someone at work left behind The Sun Newspaper and I caught a glimpse of the headline they used for Gordon and Gillian..which made me laugh haha Easily Amused!! But yes, it was "She only went out for a loaf of bread and came back with BROWN TOAST" haha, The capital letters were on the headline, I didnt just add those in!! Hmm..Maybe it's not that funny but it did make me laugh..

Anyway, Until Tomorrow xx

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