Tuesday 27 April 2010

Beiber Fever !!

So, I have spent all of this afternoon revising Politics for tomorrow,tough but I did sit outside in the sun :) Also spending all weekend revising it as well!! My brain honestly feels like it will explode with knowledge haha and I just hope I know enough...Can only do my best!! Anyway, on to the Celebs..I did go into college this morning and was listening to the radio on the way back and heard a story which made me think...Whoah!!

Well, Teen singing sensation Justin Beiber was meant to play an outside concert in Perth, Australia but there was a massive crowd that turned out to see him, full of screaming teenage girls and they were screaming soo much after wanting to see him, that there was a stampede and at least 10 girls fainted and several needed to go to hospital with being hurt! It was pandemonium!! So, police ended up cancelling his concert for fear of another stampede!! Those girls were disappointed, although he did end up singing inside a TV studio so some of them did get to hear him!! I was surprised that this happened, although I guess some teenage girls will do anything to get a glimpse of their idol!! Especially if he's the same age as them!! It's funny with all this Justin Beiber fever because I was listening to radio 1 earlier in the week and they were talking about when he was interviewed the other week, how he said he doesn't like girls trying to impress him and he can't stand ugg boots!! Then they were talking to some girls on the phone on the radio, who love him that much, that they have thrown out their ugg boots because he doesn't like them!! The DJs on the radio thought it was hilarous!! Funny!! Even though they probably love them and will never see him to say 'hey I threw out my uggs for you' haha crazy fans!!

Anyway, its good to know that there are fans of his music out there and people that love him...although quite how far they will go to prove it and get a glimpse of him at his concerts in any country!!

"Baby, Baby, Baby, OOh now Baby,Baby,Baby" haha I wonder how many teen girls around the world listen to that song and think 'he's singing that about me!!'
Anyway, better get back to revision..wish me luck for tomorrow (!)

Until Tomorrow :)

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