Monday 19 April 2010


I'm sure you have all heard about the Volcano that erupted in Iceland last Thursday and has completely closed the UK airspace which has caused SO many people to be left stranded abroad for longer than they had planned...

Including, says Heat magazine, a whole host of celebs including, Katie Price, Adam Lambert, Joe McElderry, Chris Moyles and Peter Jones..Stuck abroad and not being able to come back to premieres, parties and signings...Bet they are Seriously gutted!! Almost as seriously gutted as all the other, 'regular folk', says Heat, who are stuck for ways home and whether their plane will set off, as well as missing their loved ones and jobs, school, college...

Loving the way Heat says the Celebs are stranded like we are supposed to feel sorry for them and feel as though they are just like the regular folk!! Im sure they are so sad to be stuck in the million pound holiday homes and in the mega sun and heat of Barbados or Egypt haha.. Never mind, I'm sure all will hopefully be okey by the end of the week..Well, I'm hoping that too..Not because I miss the celebs though, because I miss my family who are stuck in Spain wanting to get home, plus I'm sure others miss theirs too!! I know, I know celebs have families and jobs but they are no more important than others...

Not a conventional Celeb story for today but one that is really newsworthy and relevant at the moment!!

Anyway, until tomorrow..Im going to get back to watching Glee, Yes, I'm a Gleek and I must admit Im not sorry!! Xx

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