Saturday 24 April 2010

From One to Three..

Okay, So I didn't write last night as I was at work til late and my entire day was spent revising Politics..Yes, allll day! I was on a roll and didn't want to stop, only breaking for necessities ie Lunch etc!!
Anyway, so to make up for it I am going to post two blogs today, So, first of all is the story I would have written about yesterday as I heard it on the radio on the way to work!!

That is that Adrian Chiles has quit the BBC and is moving to GMTV!! He was reportedly unhappy that he found out that the rumours about Chris Evans coming in the the One Show on a Friday eve for a special entertainment special on..Twitter! Yes, that internet site again. I mentioned it earlier in the week when discussing Brian McFadden and Kerry Katona's war of words! Not the best way to find out about Chris really!!
The BBC were allegedly waiting to tell him when he got back from holiday, but as he was delayed in coming back he found out through Twitter!!
It is a shame that Adrian has decided to leave the BBC..He was a great presenter on the One Show, I know he does other things but that was the main thing I think! Him and Christine got on really well!!

Then again, he can bring that presenting to the GMTV sofa later in the year!
We'll see what happens with that one! I wonder how Chris will get on..and How Adrian will get on on ITV/GMTV!
Only time will tell!

Until Tomorrow x

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