Saturday 1 May 2010

*Pinch Punch First of the Month!!*

How exciting, the first post into the month of May!! Almost halfway through now, this is my 13th post :)

Okay, so I forgot to post Last night because I was soo tired after work, however, I am making it up for it now by posting this one now :D

I have been thinking about a different idea to shake things up a bit with this you don't get bored!!

One I will post on a later date is 'Celeb Funny Pic of the Week!!'

CAn you believe,

This is my 13th post, so Im almost halfway through!! How exciting!!

Anyway, I will leave it there until tomorrow when I will discover another celeb story of the day! I just wanted to share my new ideas with y'all..

Have a good day!!

Until Tomorrow

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