Thursday 13 May 2010

Aww! Tears over football!?

So, after having a full day at college, I finally got a night off work so went to band practise after not being able to go for a loong time because of work! Was so funny and had a right laugh haha!! As always..GoodTimes!!

So, I was watching BBC news earlier on and they spoke about Fulham losing their football match against Atletico Hamburg, apparently they needed to win this to qualify for the final, anyway, they lost their match and didn't qualify...So all their lifelong fans were, quite obviously upset!
The news said, Lily Allen and Hugh Grant, British stars are lifelong fans of the team and were papped in tears as their beloved team lost..Aww!

Hmm, not sure if I get it that whole crying over football thing! Sweet though I guess!! After they lost out in extra time Lily and Hugh were wiping away the tears as their team lost...Bless!

They, along with so many other Fulham fanss, travelled to Hamburg, all the way abroad!!, to support their teams..Nice to see the celebs are just like us (well, football fans!) and get upset when they lose! Don't really get it myself but its hardcore fans who get upset over a game where men have to run around the pitch and chase a ball into the net..haha!!

So, tears over football today, bless!

Anyway, I'm off to watch Celeb Juice..can you believe it's been a week since the elections?! And now we have Davif CAmeron and Nick Clegg in a coalition Govt..Hmm will it last!? Who knows!!

So, until tomorrow x

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