Sunday 9 May 2010

Moyles..TutTut !!

HelloHello again! Yes, as promised here is the second installment of today, after I never posted a blog yesterday!

So, after spending the eve with some friends, swimming, chilling and watching a DVD, I have just got back and decided to read the News Of The World which we buy every Sunday Lol..Don't know why really, just do haha trashy Sunday read and not too hard on the brain I guess !!

Anyway, I was flicking through and, despite most of the pages being full of the gossip, pics and even the results (annoyingly, seeing as it's not on TV til 19th!!!) of the British Soap Awards last night, I found a story which did make me laugh!

Chris Moyles. BBC Radio 1 DJ. 36-years-old and no stranger to controversy! He is now in the papers for making fat jokes about Beth Ditto! He has previously been in papers for insulting celebs such as Nicola Roberts, Will Young and for saying that Polish people make good prostitutes?!

He may not be the most shy of guys but he has a great sense of humour, one which not a lot of people get. Obviously!!

Anyway, he was in the papers today for insulting Beth Ditto..On Wednesday morning, he had just finished his show and was handing over to Fearne Cotton, whose show starts at 10am..There was a joke going around about how if Chris dressed in womens clothes he would look like Beth, Fearne said she loves Beth and Chris responded with 'I love her too but she's so fat she has got her own postcode!'

He then went on to insult her some more, saying typical fat jokes such as:

"I'm not saying Beth Ditto's fat but her blood type is ragu."
When she goes to KFC and orders a bucket, and they say which one, she says the one on the roof."
She was baptised at SeaWorld. People jog around her for exercise. Her cereal box comes with its own lifeguard."
She got on the scales the other day and it said, 'To be continued'."

These are all 'fat' jokes which have done the rounds for years, people say them all the time, they're in joke books etc. Just because it is a Celeb saying it about another Celeb it gets in the papers...4 days after it was said!!

I actually heard this as I was listening to the radio at the time, I remember laughing!

I mean, I don't condone bullying but I think he was just trying to be funny..He was having a laugh..
I'm not sure Beth would have heard this or seen it that way, maybe she would..

I mean, she has always been one to embrace her curves..highlighting the 'big is beautiful' and appearing naked on the front of a magazine..She may have found it funny. Maybe not. But I'm sure the papers and magazines will be on hand when, or if, she decides to respond to Chris' jibes!

Anyway, it's probably a storm in a teacup, he'll be made to apologise and it'll all blow over. One things for sure though, Chris will never be far from controversy..and thats why some people love him! I mean, surely people are allowed to have a laugh!?

Obviously, Chris himself is only a little smaller than Beth, so he can take the mick all he likes..

After all, People can respond by saying the same things about him now can't they!! Im sure he will laugh and have a quick comeback!!

So, on that note I will leave it there..I'm off to sleep, can barely keep my eyes open! Has been a long weekend!!

Right, Until Tomorrow xx

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