Tuesday 4 May 2010

Team Andre...

Soo, today, after being in college for the day in Shorthand and Video Reporting and realising that I have two more Video Reporting lectures to complete my video for the module ... and not able to film until Saturday..Along with an exam in News Writing next Tues so that cancels our Video lecture next week...So, really, one lecture of VR to get my Video started and finished in...AGH..Pressure, much!? HaHa..Along with 3 weeks to complete my magazine and case study, take a shorthand exam, the aforementioned news exam and begin the PA assignment which we have just got...Lots of work!! Oh well, it IS a degree course...I am a Second Year...All Par for the Course!! Just lots of work, little time and stressss!!!

Anyway, after getting back from college, I picked up New! magazine from the shop and flicked through it, as there isn't really much reading, I just tend to look at the pics and read the interesting columnists and interviews!!

So, yes, I was flicking through the magazine and I found Peter Andres column ( or 2 pages!!), which is his weekly column and I like reading this as he seems so genuine and nice, truthful and honest as well!!

After reading all about his holiday and his children I came across something he said which could, actually, be quite something...

Peter Andre has landed his own TV Chat Show...The 5'0Clock Show, on Channel 4..Taking over the Time slot from Paul O Grady!! He won't be presenting every show, every day, every week, like Paul..However, he will be presenting a lot while sharing the slot with some other presenters!!
When Paul was off from his show last year, Peter filled in for his show and, surprisingly, (I think for many people, after witnessing his 'chat show' with his ex-wife on ITV2!!!) he was reallly quite good!!

He was funny, at ease and good at what he did..As well as this show, he is also entertainment presenter for This Morning, as well as presenting the show a few times with Kate Thornton...Something, again which he is rather good at! So, I look forward to him beginning this show and doing something different.. It's nice to see him doing so well, with his tour, solo album, reality show, perfume and now this presenting job..It's good to see him in the papers and magazines for something other than arguing with his ex wife and being slagged off by her!!

Good Luck to him, We'll soon see how he fares in this new job of his!

Anyway, thats the Celeb Story of the day, one I stumbled across and was really surprised and intrigued with...We'll see what happens!!

So, Until Tomorrow

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