Wednesday 12 May 2010

New golden Girl?!

HelloHello! I have had a very productive day today, getting on with my case study and magazine features..Then been at work tonight so picked up Heat magazine on the way out and have just finished reading it!!

So, Last night I was discussing the latest X Factor news (See Post Below!) And Lo and behold..It's on the front page of Heat magazine! Not my blog, obviously haha can you imagine!, but Cheryl Cole and Christine Bleakley side by side with the headline 'Move Over Cheryl!' and the sub heading Shock X Factor Exclusive!!

Well, allegedly, according to Heat mag, Christine is suggested to be the new £1 million X Factor girl..This is what the front page suggests..So, obviously I turned to read the entire story and discovered that it is all made up of quotes from 'Sources' and 'Friends of Christine' So, it may not be true haha! But if it is, then Christine is being lined up by Simon Cowell to take over from Holly Willoughby on the Xtra Factor..interesting choice as Holly was brilliant!

Then it is also suggested that she is also being lined up to be a new GMTV presenter with ex co host Adrian Chiles to get the , and I quote, 'Beauty and the beast' double act that worked so well on the BBC!!

She has also had a great week because of allegedly being lined up to be the new X Factor Girl by Simon Cowell, Offered £1m to host GMTV with Adrian and being really happy as boyf Frank Lampard has said he loves her..So a good week for Christine :)

It is all made up of sources and quotes from friends and sources so it could just as easily all be untrue as it is true! You shouldn't believe everything you read in the papers haha!!

Anyway, I will leave you with the thought of Christine being the new Xtra Factor girl, with a GMTV offer and a happy personal life with Frank..GoodTimes if it is all to be true!

So, I'm nearing the end of my blog now..Not long to go..But fear not, these last few posts will be the best! As they say, all good things come to those who wait!

Right have a good evening whatever it is you are doing and I shall say,

Until Tomorrow xx

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