Friday 7 May 2010

Is it a girl?

So, it's official, we have woken up today to a Hung Parliament...Who knows what will happen next..Theres talk and speculation of a coalition between two of the parties and even talk that David Cameron wants Gordon to resign..But, like I said, it's speculation and for now we have a hung parliament!!

Anyway, onto the Celebs...Because of the Election taking up so much news time, and quite rightly too, I haven't really heard that much celeb news today..
So I decided to visit a newspaper online, today was Daily Mail!! One of the stories suggests that Dannii Minogues Boyfriend and father - to - be, Kris Smith was on a TV show in Australia and when asked about impending fatherhood said 'There have been a few sleepless nights, but it will all be worth it to see her beautiful face!'..Prompting speculation that His and Dannii's baby will be a girl! They both know the sex of the baby and are keeping it underwraps, which is always nice for a celeb to do, keep some things private.

I mean they have the right to remain private in anything they want and not have is broadcast on reality shows or in the magazines!

Too many celebs these days are too fame hungry and just want to be on TV and in the papers all the time, so will sell anything they can about themselves and accidently be on a beach looking immaculate in a bikini and be 'shocked' that there is a paparazzi person nearby so that there picture will be in a low-rent magazine the nest day haha!!

Anyway, back to Dannii and Kris, I'm so happy for Dannii that she is going to be a mum..I just can't believe that throughout the whole of the X Factor live shows she was pregnant, as she announced her pregnancy January when she was past the three month mark! It's amazing no one picked up on it during the shows, I mean I'm sure she was getting morning sickness and random cravings!! But, yes, I'm very happy for her, in fact, I follow her on Twitter and she is always saying how happy she is and excited she is that she will be a mum in 2 months time, which is lovely!

So, I will leave you in the knowledge that Dannii and Kris may be having a girl..Or it may be a boy..I mean, obviously, it can only be one or the other!!

Good Luck to them :)

Right, I'll let you get back to your daily business and watch even more extended election coverage if you so wish! If not then have a good night anyway!!

Until Tomorrow x

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