Thursday 6 May 2010


Soo, today is Thursday 6th May and that is ... Election Day! Hope you have all cast your votes!! I have no idea what will happen..Obviously! At the time of writing this they are saying that the Libdems may form a coalition with Labour and that there may be a Hung Parliament because Conservative are 19 short of a majority..Anyway, We'll just have to wait and see. How exciting!?

Anyway, On to Celeb Story of the day....

Well, I was listening to Radio 1 on the way in to college this morning and, as well as 'ColdFingers!! (hilarious made up quiz they did today !!) They did the entertainment news and said that Danny Dyer was in trouble because in his advice column in Zoo Magazine, he reportedly advised a man to 'cut his ex's face so no one else will want her' Lovely. He claims he was largely misquoted and Zoo magazine claim it was a production error!! He says it was taken out of context, he was probably trying to be funny! Not the right way to go about it, but then again, it is Zoo magazine..Hardly the magazine to say you're offended by the content!!

What made me laugh is on the Showbiz news they had the producer of Dannys new film, of which the premiere was last night, who spoke about this story (As Danny refused to do any interviews, he went to the premiere obviously, but was too upset to speak to paps!) Anyway, the producer spoke of the story and said something along the lines of 'It's a horrible misquote for anyone, but especially for a gentleman like Danny, who is one of the top actors in the UK' Ahem, not sure if I should comment there! I didn't even know he was an actor!! He did a documentary.. Danny Dyers deadliest men and something on UFOs for a show on Sky last I saw, when he was being interviewed by Loose Women and flirting outrageously haha, so, yeah didn't even know he was an actor!!

So, Danny Dyer and his mis-quoted comment in his Zoo advice column.. Haha, just looked on his IMDB profile and discovered he has, in fact, been in many a film and has many a film coming out..Not seen one of them, although maybe there not my type of film, too much fighting I think!!

Anyway, After that little story provided by Danny Dyer and Zoo Magazine, I shall leave you with the Election..Are you watching BBC, ITV, CH4, Sky News coverage!? Or are you just watching EastEnders or Celebrity Juice!!

Whatever you are doing I shall leave it there and say..

Until Tomorrow x

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