Sunday 16 May 2010

Wedding Bells!!

Right, first off I am sorry I didn't post Last night..I was in work til 4 and then went straight to my friends house for the eve so never got near a computer until now haha!! But I promise I will make up for it by posting twice today :)

Soo, today is the wedding of David Walliams and Lara Stone :) Congratulations to them and Good Luck to them for the future :)

David had a star-studded stag night the other night with comedian friends including Matt Lucas, Alan Carr and James Corden..Can you imagine the fun they must have all had!? To be a fly on the wall at that night...Amazing!! haha..

After a long time looking, and trying to convince us he isn't gay haha...David has finally found his soulmate...aww, Good Luck to them both :)

Imagine, him and Denise Van Outen have known each other for years and had made a pact saying that if neither of them were married by the time they got to 40, they would marry each other!! How weird would that be..But now she is happy with Lee Mead and he is marrying Lara later today at Claridges in London!!

Wedding Bells and Congratulations :)

So, thats it for now..I will post again later to make up for missing last night!!

Until Tonight


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