Monday 17 May 2010

*The Final Post!!*

Yes, this is it, the final post of this 28 day blog!

It's gone so quick...well, not really, but still!! It has been fun and interesting finding some celebrity stories for you to enjoy over the last 28 days..Tough, at times, to remember to post every night but we have still managed to get to 28 nonetheless!!

I think I have found almost 28 stories..I know the first post was just a hello and an outline of the blog idea..Then there was another one with some new ideas and this one! So, maybe not quite 28 celebrity stories..but still some good ones all the same!!

Who knows, maybe I will post some more blogs later on in the year...We'll see how it goes!!

Some personal favourites of mine being the Chris Moyles 'Beth Ditto is fat' outbursts, The Katie Price 'Ghost' story and even the 'Jedward' post haha!!

Anyway, I think this blog has been exactly the way I intended it to be when I started out all those weeks ago...To think, I didn't think I would be able to find some good and interesting celeb gossip over the course of it, but I managed to and, dare I say, enjoyed it haha :)

So, That, as they say, is that! I hope you have enjoyed the little insights into the Celeb World that I have provided for you and maybe sometime in the future I will post again, just for fun!!

Right well, Thank You for reading and

Until Next Time

Bye xx

Sunday 16 May 2010

Aww..Wedding of the year?!

Yes, it's me again, I did promise another post and here it is!! If you have been keeping up with all these blogs you will have realised that this is blog 27...the Penultimate one before my final post tomorrow...Yes, it is true, we are nearing the end! I hope you have enjoyed it so far ...

So, after spending the evening with some friends, I haven't had the chance to read up on any celeb goss since this morning, however, I did visit the Daily Mail site and they have reported on all the news, gossip and events of David and Lara's wedding...which I spoke about earlier as I was congratulating them and wishing them luck :) So, I thought I would continue talking about David and Lara and all about the beautiful, lavish, sweet wedding they had with all their celebrity friends :)
Although, no doubt it may be in a magazine this week...Ok or Hello? We'll see haha..But, you never know, they may have decided against selling pics to a magazine and the only way you can ever know all about their wedding is through my blog :D (Or on Daily Mail online but shhh!!!)

So they had an £8,000 wedding at Claridges Hotel in London, with a whole host of his celebrity friends turning up to support him on his big day..Including Matt Lucas (Who was his best man!), Vernon Kay and Tess Daley and Geri Halliwell and her Boyf..

They had a traditional service, with poems and vows obviously! Then there was the reception, it was decided that there would be no alcohol because Lara is a recovering alcoholic..So they had a sober wedding reception with all his and her friends :)

Ronnie Corbet said that the wedding reception got off to a funny start as Matt Lucas came in wheeling in the cake dressed as his Little Britain Alter Ego, Marjorie Dawes..(From Fat Fighters) ! Sounds funny haha!!

Anyway, sounds like they had a beautiful wedding..So GoodLuck to them both and Congratulations again!! Wedding of the year? Well, we'll see if anyone can top it (looking at you Katy Perry and Russell Brand!!)

Right, well, Until Tomorrow when it is the final post of this blog...


Wedding Bells!!

Right, first off I am sorry I didn't post Last night..I was in work til 4 and then went straight to my friends house for the eve so never got near a computer until now haha!! But I promise I will make up for it by posting twice today :)

Soo, today is the wedding of David Walliams and Lara Stone :) Congratulations to them and Good Luck to them for the future :)

David had a star-studded stag night the other night with comedian friends including Matt Lucas, Alan Carr and James Corden..Can you imagine the fun they must have all had!? To be a fly on the wall at that night...Amazing!! haha..

After a long time looking, and trying to convince us he isn't gay haha...David has finally found his soulmate...aww, Good Luck to them both :)

Imagine, him and Denise Van Outen have known each other for years and had made a pact saying that if neither of them were married by the time they got to 40, they would marry each other!! How weird would that be..But now she is happy with Lee Mead and he is marrying Lara later today at Claridges in London!!

Wedding Bells and Congratulations :)

So, thats it for now..I will post again later to make up for missing last night!!

Until Tonight


Friday 14 May 2010

Ohh dear!!

Soo, after spending this morning in a shorthand exam for 70wpm which went really well :) and then spending this afternoon doing essays and this evening at work..To be asked to do 8-3 tomorrow! Killller, especially after getting back at 10pm!! But Hey..Meal out tomorrow night with friends so :)

Anyway, after all that I have not really seen or heard much Celeb news, not even on the radio on the way in this morning...I did, however, hear Kylie Minogue singing the Chris Moyles Show parody to her song 'Wow' Chihuahaha!' haha funny!!
But, yes, so hadn't really heard any celeb news..But I did go on Daily Mail site and read the celeb news down the side...

One story which made me laugh was one about Peaches Geldof.. (no? Well, she is Bob Geldof's daughter..and has a sister named FiFi Trixabell!) Think he may have overdone it on inventive names! haha, they sound like Disney Fairies! But, Peaches isn't haha, especially not after her public appearances this week...

Ever since she was on the ITV2 show 'Fearne and...Peaches Geldof' earlier this year, I have not been a fan of hers, she seemed so rude and didn't really want to be there at all..Which was a shame because Fearne Cotton only wanted to know about her life!!

Anyway, this week she has had a couple of disastrous public appearances...First, she went to a party with her dad this week and had a fake tan that made her look almost as orange as Louis Walsh in the new Tango ads haha and then she went out again and almost fell out of her dress..lovely(!)

She always seems to be in the papers for the wrong reasons, which is a shame as she could really have redeemed herself on the Fearne and... programme and shown she was mature and had a good head on her shoulders but she didn't really do herself any favours at all!

Anyway, I'm sure she will be in the papers for a long time with orange fake tan and falling out of dresses, but who knows, maybe she will surprise us all!!

So, Until Tomorrow x

Thursday 13 May 2010

Aww! Tears over football!?

So, after having a full day at college, I finally got a night off work so went to band practise after not being able to go for a loong time because of work! Was so funny and had a right laugh haha!! As always..GoodTimes!!

So, I was watching BBC news earlier on and they spoke about Fulham losing their football match against Atletico Hamburg, apparently they needed to win this to qualify for the final, anyway, they lost their match and didn't qualify...So all their lifelong fans were, quite obviously upset!
The news said, Lily Allen and Hugh Grant, British stars are lifelong fans of the team and were papped in tears as their beloved team lost..Aww!

Hmm, not sure if I get it that whole crying over football thing! Sweet though I guess!! After they lost out in extra time Lily and Hugh were wiping away the tears as their team lost...Bless!

They, along with so many other Fulham fanss, travelled to Hamburg, all the way abroad!!, to support their teams..Nice to see the celebs are just like us (well, football fans!) and get upset when they lose! Don't really get it myself but its hardcore fans who get upset over a game where men have to run around the pitch and chase a ball into the net..haha!!

So, tears over football today, bless!

Anyway, I'm off to watch Celeb Juice..can you believe it's been a week since the elections?! And now we have Davif CAmeron and Nick Clegg in a coalition Govt..Hmm will it last!? Who knows!!

So, until tomorrow x

Wednesday 12 May 2010

New golden Girl?!

HelloHello! I have had a very productive day today, getting on with my case study and magazine features..Then been at work tonight so picked up Heat magazine on the way out and have just finished reading it!!

So, Last night I was discussing the latest X Factor news (See Post Below!) And Lo and behold..It's on the front page of Heat magazine! Not my blog, obviously haha can you imagine!, but Cheryl Cole and Christine Bleakley side by side with the headline 'Move Over Cheryl!' and the sub heading Shock X Factor Exclusive!!

Well, allegedly, according to Heat mag, Christine is suggested to be the new £1 million X Factor girl..This is what the front page suggests..So, obviously I turned to read the entire story and discovered that it is all made up of quotes from 'Sources' and 'Friends of Christine' So, it may not be true haha! But if it is, then Christine is being lined up by Simon Cowell to take over from Holly Willoughby on the Xtra Factor..interesting choice as Holly was brilliant!

Then it is also suggested that she is also being lined up to be a new GMTV presenter with ex co host Adrian Chiles to get the , and I quote, 'Beauty and the beast' double act that worked so well on the BBC!!

She has also had a great week because of allegedly being lined up to be the new X Factor Girl by Simon Cowell, Offered £1m to host GMTV with Adrian and being really happy as boyf Frank Lampard has said he loves her..So a good week for Christine :)

It is all made up of sources and quotes from friends and sources so it could just as easily all be untrue as it is true! You shouldn't believe everything you read in the papers haha!!

Anyway, I will leave you with the thought of Christine being the new Xtra Factor girl, with a GMTV offer and a happy personal life with Frank..GoodTimes if it is all to be true!

So, I'm nearing the end of my blog now..Not long to go..But fear not, these last few posts will be the best! As they say, all good things come to those who wait!

Right have a good evening whatever it is you are doing and I shall say,

Until Tomorrow xx

Tuesday 11 May 2010

All things X!

OKey, so I am soo sorry I didnt post Last night, I got back from work and was so tired and just watched EastEnders and fell asleep!

So, with Gordon Brown resigning and handing over the government reigns to David Cameron I haven't really heard any celeb news all day! Not even had the chance to buy Heat magazine today as have had such a looong day of Shorthand, News Writing exam and work! Tired much!? Haha..

However, I did hear the Chris Moyles show this morning on Radio 1 and he had Louis Walsh as a guest who was talking about all sorts, mainly X Factor and Westlife really though haha!!

They asked him if there was any truth in the rumours that Mel B is replacing (or looking after her seat) Dannii Minogue while she is being a mummy!! You see, Dannii won't be in the X Factor auditions or bootcamp or judges houses apparently, so she can concentrate on her lil new arrival which is due in July..Although she has said it will just be the audition stages she won't be there for and she will rejoin them..

Anyway, Louis just said he didn't know what was going to happen but that he loved Dannii and wanted her to come back for the show, even if she doesn't do the auditions..

I'm sure, especially this weekend when Louis said the X Factor auditions kick off again in Dublin, all will become clear and they will announce the new fourth judge..

I personally think they should do like they did on American Idol and have a different celebrity judge in each town and then as soon as it hits bootcamps stages Dannii will rejoin :) I like her as a judge, she always is so genuine and lovely with her group! She'll have a little baby in tow as well :)

Another question about the X Factor, who will replace Holly Willoughby in Xtra Factor?! She announced that the last series of Xtra Factor might be her last because she is so busy, with This Morning, Celeb Juice, Dancing on Ice, being a mum, starring in Very adverts with Fearne Cotton and much more...So they were looking into replacing her...Again, I guess we'll have to wait and see!!

Back to Louis Walsh again, he has been starring in a Tango advert and is more orange that Katie Price, Alex Reid and Dale Winton put together haha..All in the name of showbiz, eh!! Thought I would include it to see what you think!? HaHa!!

Anyway, all things X Factor and Louis Walsh today :) I love the X Factor, but I prefer the bootcamp stages, not to keen on the audtions, they seem to last forever!! Just like Britains got Talent, although at least the acts on there are of a major variety!!

So, thats that..Hope you have all had a good day :), Again, I am sorry I didn't post Last night..I will, however, post twice tomorrow to make up for it..With lots more gossip still to come, especially as I intend on buying Heat magazine after I finish work tomorrow so I'm sure there will be lots of goss and scandals in there!!

Right, well, Night all and

Until Tomorrow xx

Sunday 9 May 2010

Moyles..TutTut !!

HelloHello again! Yes, as promised here is the second installment of today, after I never posted a blog yesterday!

So, after spending the eve with some friends, swimming, chilling and watching a DVD, I have just got back and decided to read the News Of The World which we buy every Sunday Lol..Don't know why really, just do haha trashy Sunday read and not too hard on the brain I guess !!

Anyway, I was flicking through and, despite most of the pages being full of the gossip, pics and even the results (annoyingly, seeing as it's not on TV til 19th!!!) of the British Soap Awards last night, I found a story which did make me laugh!

Chris Moyles. BBC Radio 1 DJ. 36-years-old and no stranger to controversy! He is now in the papers for making fat jokes about Beth Ditto! He has previously been in papers for insulting celebs such as Nicola Roberts, Will Young and for saying that Polish people make good prostitutes?!

He may not be the most shy of guys but he has a great sense of humour, one which not a lot of people get. Obviously!!

Anyway, he was in the papers today for insulting Beth Ditto..On Wednesday morning, he had just finished his show and was handing over to Fearne Cotton, whose show starts at 10am..There was a joke going around about how if Chris dressed in womens clothes he would look like Beth, Fearne said she loves Beth and Chris responded with 'I love her too but she's so fat she has got her own postcode!'

He then went on to insult her some more, saying typical fat jokes such as:

"I'm not saying Beth Ditto's fat but her blood type is ragu."
When she goes to KFC and orders a bucket, and they say which one, she says the one on the roof."
She was baptised at SeaWorld. People jog around her for exercise. Her cereal box comes with its own lifeguard."
She got on the scales the other day and it said, 'To be continued'."

These are all 'fat' jokes which have done the rounds for years, people say them all the time, they're in joke books etc. Just because it is a Celeb saying it about another Celeb it gets in the papers...4 days after it was said!!

I actually heard this as I was listening to the radio at the time, I remember laughing!

I mean, I don't condone bullying but I think he was just trying to be funny..He was having a laugh..
I'm not sure Beth would have heard this or seen it that way, maybe she would..

I mean, she has always been one to embrace her curves..highlighting the 'big is beautiful' and appearing naked on the front of a magazine..She may have found it funny. Maybe not. But I'm sure the papers and magazines will be on hand when, or if, she decides to respond to Chris' jibes!

Anyway, it's probably a storm in a teacup, he'll be made to apologise and it'll all blow over. One things for sure though, Chris will never be far from controversy..and thats why some people love him! I mean, surely people are allowed to have a laugh!?

Obviously, Chris himself is only a little smaller than Beth, so he can take the mick all he likes..

After all, People can respond by saying the same things about him now can't they!! Im sure he will laugh and have a quick comeback!!

So, on that note I will leave it there..I'm off to sleep, can barely keep my eyes open! Has been a long weekend!!

Right, Until Tomorrow xx


So, first of all I'm so sorry I forgot to post last night! I got in from work later than I thought and was not feeling so good so literally went straight to sleep haha fun Saturday night!!

Anyway, after spending the day yesterday and most of the morning today filming for my video report I didn't really get the chance to read or hear any celeb news from yesterday...Especially with the Election and the whole Hung Parliament dominating the news!!

However, I did read Heat online this morning and discovered this picture of Mr Simon Cowell...So, thought it could be my 'Funny Celeb Pic of the Day/Week'... (Anyone who, like me, is into Britains got Talent and thinks it's goood Sat Night TV will have probably have seen him make this face!) During Britains got Talent last night, there was an act on called the 'Chippendoubles' who came on stage dressed as Monks and white face masks, looked rather sinister and then began to dance and reveal themselves to be the doubles of certain celebs!! They included Ricky Gervais, Gordon Ramsay and even Simon himself which was funny! Anyway, I saw the photo on Heat online and watched the act on stage and thought it was funny!!

Simon Cowell is a massive showbiz name, being in charge of X Factor, American Idol and BGT..He is quitting American Idol and launching X Factor over in the USA which should be brilliant! Anyway, that's my 'Funny Celeb Photo of the Day/Week', may not be absolutely hilarious but funny all the same!!

So, Until Tonight, when I will make up for not writing a post yesterday and give you double the celeb fun tonight!!


Friday 7 May 2010

Is it a girl?

So, it's official, we have woken up today to a Hung Parliament...Who knows what will happen next..Theres talk and speculation of a coalition between two of the parties and even talk that David Cameron wants Gordon to resign..But, like I said, it's speculation and for now we have a hung parliament!!

Anyway, onto the Celebs...Because of the Election taking up so much news time, and quite rightly too, I haven't really heard that much celeb news today..
So I decided to visit a newspaper online, today was Daily Mail!! One of the stories suggests that Dannii Minogues Boyfriend and father - to - be, Kris Smith was on a TV show in Australia and when asked about impending fatherhood said 'There have been a few sleepless nights, but it will all be worth it to see her beautiful face!'..Prompting speculation that His and Dannii's baby will be a girl! They both know the sex of the baby and are keeping it underwraps, which is always nice for a celeb to do, keep some things private.

I mean they have the right to remain private in anything they want and not have is broadcast on reality shows or in the magazines!

Too many celebs these days are too fame hungry and just want to be on TV and in the papers all the time, so will sell anything they can about themselves and accidently be on a beach looking immaculate in a bikini and be 'shocked' that there is a paparazzi person nearby so that there picture will be in a low-rent magazine the nest day haha!!

Anyway, back to Dannii and Kris, I'm so happy for Dannii that she is going to be a mum..I just can't believe that throughout the whole of the X Factor live shows she was pregnant, as she announced her pregnancy January when she was past the three month mark! It's amazing no one picked up on it during the shows, I mean I'm sure she was getting morning sickness and random cravings!! But, yes, I'm very happy for her, in fact, I follow her on Twitter and she is always saying how happy she is and excited she is that she will be a mum in 2 months time, which is lovely!

So, I will leave you in the knowledge that Dannii and Kris may be having a girl..Or it may be a boy..I mean, obviously, it can only be one or the other!!

Good Luck to them :)

Right, I'll let you get back to your daily business and watch even more extended election coverage if you so wish! If not then have a good night anyway!!

Until Tomorrow x

Thursday 6 May 2010


Soo, today is Thursday 6th May and that is ... Election Day! Hope you have all cast your votes!! I have no idea what will happen..Obviously! At the time of writing this they are saying that the Libdems may form a coalition with Labour and that there may be a Hung Parliament because Conservative are 19 short of a majority..Anyway, We'll just have to wait and see. How exciting!?

Anyway, On to Celeb Story of the day....

Well, I was listening to Radio 1 on the way in to college this morning and, as well as 'ColdFingers!! (hilarious made up quiz they did today !!) They did the entertainment news and said that Danny Dyer was in trouble because in his advice column in Zoo Magazine, he reportedly advised a man to 'cut his ex's face so no one else will want her' Lovely. He claims he was largely misquoted and Zoo magazine claim it was a production error!! He says it was taken out of context, he was probably trying to be funny! Not the right way to go about it, but then again, it is Zoo magazine..Hardly the magazine to say you're offended by the content!!

What made me laugh is on the Showbiz news they had the producer of Dannys new film, of which the premiere was last night, who spoke about this story (As Danny refused to do any interviews, he went to the premiere obviously, but was too upset to speak to paps!) Anyway, the producer spoke of the story and said something along the lines of 'It's a horrible misquote for anyone, but especially for a gentleman like Danny, who is one of the top actors in the UK' Ahem, not sure if I should comment there! I didn't even know he was an actor!! He did a documentary.. Danny Dyers deadliest men and something on UFOs for a show on Sky last I saw, when he was being interviewed by Loose Women and flirting outrageously haha, so, yeah didn't even know he was an actor!!

So, Danny Dyer and his mis-quoted comment in his Zoo advice column.. Haha, just looked on his IMDB profile and discovered he has, in fact, been in many a film and has many a film coming out..Not seen one of them, although maybe there not my type of film, too much fighting I think!!

Anyway, After that little story provided by Danny Dyer and Zoo Magazine, I shall leave you with the Election..Are you watching BBC, ITV, CH4, Sky News coverage!? Or are you just watching EastEnders or Celebrity Juice!!

Whatever you are doing I shall leave it there and say..

Until Tomorrow x

Wednesday 5 May 2010


Haha, So X Factor contestants Jedward (You have to remember there X Factor audition.. He's John, I'm Edward and together we are...John and Edward..So Funny!!) are trying to 'shake up' there career..or lack of..By being involved in the revival of the Shake N Vac adverts online remake...

Yes, was in the papers recently that the Shake N Vac Ads will be back and they are involved in the online side of things, recording the remake of the official adverts song...GoodTimes?!

Haha, who knows..Jedward were famous for there big hair, naff song and dance numbers (So bad they were brilliant!! ,No, Just me!! Ahem, sorry!!)
As well as for getting so far in the X Factor contest last year, so far, in fact that viewers were 'outraged' when Lucie Jones was voted off instead of them!!

Although, when they finished on X Factor, Louis Walsh..their Mentor..Promised it wouldn't be the end of Jedward and they would be on the music scene with their songs!! He promised that 'little kids love them!!'

Well, they were on the NTAs awards earlier this year and sang/rapped Under Pressure (Ice Ice Baby) with Vanilla Ice...Soo bad it was good. Cringeworthy but really funny and they had a good time..that's the main thing!!

Anyway, look out for them online in the remake of the Shake N Vac Ads..And also, Thursday Nights on Celebrity Juice..With Keith Lemon, Holly Willoughby and Fearne Cotton (Pretty good show actually!!) Jedward are in 'Is Jedwards Quiff bigger than'..and 'JedWould or JedWOuldn't? Pretty good!!

So, Celeb Goss for today..Jedward...Not sure if theyre celebs yet, but with their notorious quiffs, hilariously interesting insights in the world and their advert and TV appearances..Don't think we'll be forgetting them in a hurry!!

Right, Night everyone and

Until Tomorrow xx

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Team Andre...

Soo, today, after being in college for the day in Shorthand and Video Reporting and realising that I have two more Video Reporting lectures to complete my video for the module ... and not able to film until Saturday..Along with an exam in News Writing next Tues so that cancels our Video lecture next week...So, really, one lecture of VR to get my Video started and finished in...AGH..Pressure, much!? HaHa..Along with 3 weeks to complete my magazine and case study, take a shorthand exam, the aforementioned news exam and begin the PA assignment which we have just got...Lots of work!! Oh well, it IS a degree course...I am a Second Year...All Par for the Course!! Just lots of work, little time and stressss!!!

Anyway, after getting back from college, I picked up New! magazine from the shop and flicked through it, as there isn't really much reading, I just tend to look at the pics and read the interesting columnists and interviews!!

So, yes, I was flicking through the magazine and I found Peter Andres column ( or 2 pages!!), which is his weekly column and I like reading this as he seems so genuine and nice, truthful and honest as well!!

After reading all about his holiday and his children I came across something he said which could, actually, be quite something...

Peter Andre has landed his own TV Chat Show...The 5'0Clock Show, on Channel 4..Taking over the Time slot from Paul O Grady!! He won't be presenting every show, every day, every week, like Paul..However, he will be presenting a lot while sharing the slot with some other presenters!!
When Paul was off from his show last year, Peter filled in for his show and, surprisingly, (I think for many people, after witnessing his 'chat show' with his ex-wife on ITV2!!!) he was reallly quite good!!

He was funny, at ease and good at what he did..As well as this show, he is also entertainment presenter for This Morning, as well as presenting the show a few times with Kate Thornton...Something, again which he is rather good at! So, I look forward to him beginning this show and doing something different.. It's nice to see him doing so well, with his tour, solo album, reality show, perfume and now this presenting job..It's good to see him in the papers and magazines for something other than arguing with his ex wife and being slagged off by her!!

Good Luck to him, We'll soon see how he fares in this new job of his!

Anyway, thats the Celeb Story of the day, one I stumbled across and was really surprised and intrigued with...We'll see what happens!!

So, Until Tomorrow

Monday 3 May 2010

Ghostly Goings on.Update!!

So..A few posts ago I wrote about how Katie Price (otheriwse known as Jordan) had become convinced that she had a ghost in her house and called in psychic Sally Morgan to find out if it was true, who, on Katies show "What Katie Did Next", discovered that there was in fact a ghost in her house!!

Anyway, today, The Sun has reported that, she called in another Celeb Psychic, this time, Russell Grant who discovered that the ghost that is living in Katies house and causing her so much fear, is the ghost of a former nurse who, apparently, was forced out of the house because it was sold or she was sacked from the building..

The report goes on to say that Russell believes that the nurse is a 'good' ghost and there are no reasons to fear that she will harm Katie or her family..
He also goes so far as to suggest that Katie could have subconsciously moved in to the house because of the nurse ghost who is watching over them and looking after Harvey, Katies 7-year-old son who is autistic and partially sighted...Phew!!

Well, Im sure your days are made so much better with the knowledge that Katie Price has finally found out whether there is a ghost in her house...Even though she is still selling her house!

Although Russell didn't want to allow the ghost to 'pass on' to her new pastures, instead opting for her to stay put, because she is a good ghost and will look after the occupants!!

You know what to do now if you fear that you are living with a ghost, good or bad..

Call Russell Grant or Sally Morgan..They'll sort you out!! Proper Ghostbusters!!

Anyway, Thats it for today, we'll see what tomorrow can bring with the Top 3 Stories from Heat Magazine..

Until Tomorrow


Sunday 2 May 2010


Well, I'm sitting here on this sunny Sunday afternoon chilling in my garden...after Mums full Roast Beef Lunch with all the trimmings..Yum!! Proper Lazy Bank Holiday Sunday..GoodTimes!! Day off college tomorrow as well, but can't be too lazy then as I have a lot of assignments to be getting on with..So, for now going to chill today!!

So, anyway, back to the World of Celebs!!
I discovered today..After listening to the radio that Denise Van Outen and husband Lee Mead have become proud parents to baby Betsy..What a nice change it is that their baby has a proper, real name!! Not Apple or Peaches..Just Betsy! Congratulations to them both!

As well as them, there are many other mums-to-be around on the celeb circuit at the moment..
With Chanelle Hayes (BB 'Star'), Danielle Lloyd (model), Dannii Minogue (X Factor Judge), and Isla Fisher (actress, films such as Confessions of a Shopaholic)..To name but a few of the celebs which will be mums in 2010!! I'm sure there will be many more to come!

Anyway, Not a very long blog today, but a sweet one all the same, I'm very happy for Denise and Lee!

Until Tomorrow x

Saturday 1 May 2010

*Pinch Punch First of the Month!!*

How exciting, the first post into the month of May!! Almost halfway through now, this is my 13th post :)

Okay, so I forgot to post Last night because I was soo tired after work, however, I am making it up for it now by posting this one now :D

I have been thinking about a different idea to shake things up a bit with this you don't get bored!!

One I will post on a later date is 'Celeb Funny Pic of the Week!!'

CAn you believe,

This is my 13th post, so Im almost halfway through!! How exciting!!

Anyway, I will leave it there until tomorrow when I will discover another celeb story of the day! I just wanted to share my new ideas with y'all..

Have a good day!!

Until Tomorrow